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UX strategy,
App Design


Brenda Fletcher - UX strategist, UI/UX Designer


Nov, 2020

In the wake of the 2020 covid pandemic, the idea for the app was conceived. Understanding vaccines and remembering which shots you or your child, or pet, have received is an important part of keeping yourself and your family healthy. Understanding vaccines and remembering which shots you or your child, or pet, have received is an important part of keeping yourself and your family healthy.

4 Screenshots of the Good market app


An app that keeps parents, or health-conscious users, up-to-date on all of their and their families' vaccinations. The app is not a subscription, but a one-time fee that fits any budget.

Screnshots of navigational strategy


I conducted focus groups with like-minded parents, individuals, and nurses, set up a competitive analysis, and started building the sitemap. Afterward, I made several user flows, like onboarding, reminders for the calendar, and family profiles for the mobile app. The feedback on the first round of prototypes has been great. 90% of people said they'd buy the app and tell everyone about it. It's in production right now.