
Up to Date Mobile App

Owner / Designer, Sketch, Illustrator, Invision, FlowMapp

The Goal

Provide a mobile app for parents, or health-conscious users, that will keep them updated with all their, or their families and pets, vaccinations. This app will not be a subscription, but a one-time fee that will fit all budgets.

The Process

The idea came to me when having my own kids vaccinated. I could never remember who got what and when, and I have no proof of the shots unless I asked the doctor once a year. So, I started Up to Date. I conducted focus groups with like-minded parents, individuals, and nurses, set up a competitive analysis, and with started laying out a site maps and wireframes. I then focused on how the mobile app would function and created several user flows such as onboarding, setting calendar reminders, and family profiles.

The Outcome

Feedback on round 1 prototypes have been positive. Almost 90% have said they would purchase this app and happily refer others. It is currently in production and beta testing will start late 2021.